Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Marathon TRAINING Schedule

Ok so Most of you AREN'T interested in the schedule I am following..
But This is the one I finally decided to follow for THIS Marathon..
I got it from the Scottsdale Running Club website.
It pretty much follows my running schedule I have been doing since January..
I am so excited to do this marathon.. I hope lots of people I know will be doing it too..
If you are... What is your training schedule like?
I would love food advise from any expert out there.
I struggle with what foods to eat during the week to give me energy..
Carb loading foods that are best..
and pretty much any EATING advise out there for marathon training.
Should I quit my RockStar Habbit? (I love to drink 1/2 a RockStar before leaving on Sat Morning)


Becks Blog said...

yes, quit rock star. my friend had an energy drink before he went out and it hyped him up so much and then he crashed, hard, and got all dehyrated and wound up with IV's. the best is to train with the sports drink that will be used on the course. Sad news - i totally hurt my achillies (sp?) tendon and so i think my training will be delayed a bit...:(

Tiffany said...

Yes..quit the rock stars!! They are soooo bad for you!!!! i bet if you google it it will come up with so many studies that they have done on them recently...I don't think I have ever heard a good thing about them! So...are you back into doing the full? I ran with Jules on Monday..and I ran with you that one time- but that's pretty much all-- I don't think I will be able to do it unless we get on the same schedule sometime soon. Do you have someone you're planning on running with?

Tiffany said...

Here's a link from runners world of fodds to eat...I'll email it to you in case links don't work on here!,7120,s6-242-301--10200-0,00.html

Laura Fuller said...

I was reading the comments hoping to get some answers myself! My suggestion for carbs...salt and vinegar chips. As far as a quick energy booster before runs...sour patch kids. I need to run 8 miles Saturday are you in? please say yes or may not do the full thing.

Stacey said...

I like your training plan. I think I go out too long too soon. I did 16 last Monday and 8 on Thursday and 10 on Saturday. I don't run long every week-end which sometimes I like because mentally I don't feel like I HAVE to. Before a marathon I always eat a half bagel toasted with PB and a little jam. Before a long run I'll eat a small bowl of oatmeal, half a banana or a couple fig newtons. I like GU but sometimes I want something to chew during the middle of my run and I like the Newtons for that too.

Stacey said...

I like your training plan. I think I go out too long too soon. I did 16 last Monday and 8 on Thursday and 10 on Saturday. I don't run long every week-end which sometimes I like because mentally I don't feel like I HAVE to. Before a marathon I always eat a half bagel toasted with PB and a little jam. Before a long run I'll eat a small bowl of oatmeal, half a banana or a couple fig newtons. I like GU but sometimes I want something to chew during the middle of my run and I like the Newtons for that too.