Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 Quirks

I was TAGGED by LORI to share 6 Quirky things about myself.. If you care... this is what Chad and I came up with.

1. I HATE to use bathrooms that aren't mine. Public and EVEN friends toilets are ONLY for when I am desperate, I'd so much rather wait to get home.

2. I am OCD about my morning gym routine... I sleep in my workout clothes and use my phone for my alarm... I lay out my Shoes and Socks by my bedroom door and my iPod, Water and Jet Fuel on the counter. 4:30AM comes way to fast and I hate having to think about anything in the morning.

3. I have a BAD habit of picking all the course black curly hairs out of my head. (ok and the few gray ones too) OK I pretty much PICK bump or scab on my body (esp like the backs of my arms) or Chad's or anyone else I can get my hands on (Usually when Owen, Stephanie or Emily come to visit within the first few minutes I have been asked to pop any zit that is on their body)

4.I don't watch TV but I do like to fall asleep to girly movies at night. Enchanted, 27 dresses, How to Loose a guy in 10 days, etc. AND I rarely make it through more than 5 minutes of the movie before falling asleep.

5. I have a bad habit of GUESSING the end of a story. Chad will be talking and I will try to finish his story with what I think happens. BUT I am usually WAY OFF. . I know I do this But I JUST CAN'T STOP.

6.I have been told i have NO Mind-Mouth Filter... If I think it. . . Most likely you will hear it. Sometimes this isn't always appropriate.

1.Link to the person who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.


Lydia said...

Ha ha, Dan ALWAYS gets mad when I try to guess the ending of stories.

Stacey said...

I loved your work out quirk. You really sleep in your workout clothes? That cracks me up....4:30? I still can't wrap my brain around that....every morning?! What time do you go to bed again, and do you have other people meeting you that you are accountable to waking up for? That always helps!

Jennifer said...

too funny! the zit thing is disgusting! julie does the same thing and we always give her a hard time about it. you two MUST be related ;)

Laura Fuller said...

I love the sixth one...that's probably why we are friends. Sorry I didn't respond sooner; I've been in a Nyquil induced coma.

Emily R said...

ok, i dont like people to pop my zits... some people just cant keep away from them.
another quirk?
you are OCD about clean - cant even leave a cup of water out when your sister comes and visits... ;)
you are great though, and cant help but laugh and love you!!!

Claire said...

I will get busy.
P.S. The no mouth filter is why I love you so.