Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers Day!!!

Being a mom is so much fun and it is nice to get older and realize how special those little handprints in plaster of paris are, the sweet poems the kids write, the cute pictures they draw. My kids are so adorable..

Ashlyn started out by giving me this beautiful picture. she is getting so good at drawing.. on the back of the picture she had some info about me...

My Mom
She is 5 yrs old
She is 52 1/2 inches tall
She weighs 8 lbs.
Her Favorite food is Chicken and Salad
Her Favorite color is Pink and Orange
Her Favorite thing to do is Laundry
Does Your Mom work? Yes she goes to the gym
What does your mom do while you are at school? She cleans the house and goes shopping
What does your mom want to be when she grows up? A Teacher
When your mom was little what was her favorite toy? My Teddy Bear
What is your Favorite thing to do with your mom? go to Chuck E. Cheese's

Then she gave me a really cute gift... She was so happy to give me a PINK heart. What a Sweetie...

Then Braeden...

He made this beautiful flower card and inside he had written some things.

M - Marvelous Mom
O - Outstanding
T - Teriffic
H - Hugs Me!
E - Excellent
R - Really good at cooking!

My Mom is special because.... Sh lets me play at my friends house and eat Top Romon
I like it when my Mom .... Makes cake for my birthday
My Mom can do many things! I think she is best at . . . Making my Birthday Partys.
I like to make my mom smile by . . . Ticling her.
My mom is as pretty as a . . . rabbit hoping in the medows.
My mom is smart! she even knows . . . what 100+500 is. She sais it is 600.

Then i opened his present and it was this beautiful pen holder with the 3 pens. He was so excited. What a Cutie...

Then Lochlin.... He made a book... he started by letting me know it was for Dad too... since he wont be in school to make something for Father's Day.

So it started with a beautiful picture of ME!!! then he wrote some info about me...
My Mother is the most wonderful Mom in the whole world! She is as pretty as a rosse. Her favorite food is chickin. In the good old days when Mom was little, she used to make my ants mad.
I think Mom looks funny when she is usleep. But i know she's really mad when she tolks in a dep voes (deep voice).
I wish Mom would Play with me everyday. I wouldn't trade my mother for enything in the (Drawn Picture of the World)
Happy Mothers Day!

M - Mom
O - Oshen (ocean)
T - The
H - Hi
E - Earth
R - Run

Then he gave me this cute paper flower bouquet.

Then he had a Picture of Chad

My Dad

My Father is the most wonderful Dad in the whold world! he is as handsome as a salsmen. His favorite food is ribs. In the good old days when Dad was little, he used to go down the firepole.
I think Dad looks funny when he gos to the jim. But i know he's really bad when he yells at us. I wish dad would go to the sun's game with me everynight. I wouldnt trade my father for enething.

Happy Father's Day!

F - Father
A - Africha
T - Tool
H - Her
E - Erly
R - Ring
What a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL DAY!!!! I love my children. It always makes me realize how I want my kids to stay young. There is never enough time to LOVE and ENJOY them. I dont want to miss anything in their lives. I hope that these kind of Mother's day's NEVER end.


Lydia said...

Dawn, I love your kids....all those are so sweet. I like how all of your kids know that you like "chikin". Those gifts totally show your kids personalities. I can't wait until my Mothers Day is like that!

Emily R said...

that was so adorable!!!!
LOVE your kids! hope i get to see them sometime sooN!