In one week the Howey summer adventure begins... I will be flying to TEXAS with the kids, where they will be spending the next month and a half with their grandparents having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES .... Then on Sunday I will be off to DUBLIN...
It does NOT seem real. Am I really going to be in another country.... Away from my hubby and kids??? This 'short' & quick 6 week summer session, will allow me to have the Fall 2010 semester at ASU only consist of 2 online classes... THEN I AM DONE!!! This journey to get my degree that I started back in 1995 will FINALLY be done. Granted I took a 11 year sabbatical... the past 1 1/2 years I have been working my TAIL FEATHER off to accomplish a dream, set an example for my children and prove to myself that I AM WORTH IT.
I have put myself last so many times as a mother, and while it may seem that I have been selfish taking time to work out, or going to school, etc.... I have done my best to try to keep my family first. YES things have slacked, dinners are not as often homemade (but thank heavens for Fresh N Easy), I have not been able to help in the kids classrooms as much as I would like to (but I am still a presence there and all the kids & teachers know me), Homework (mine and the kids) still gets done, Straight A's for ME and the kid-o's, Books have been read, Love has been present.
We are happy...
This summer will FLY BY, The kids will return home, new routines for the school year will be set and the memories of Ireland, and the summer spent in TX and UT will be fond ones...I am sure.
As for much to do, planning, preparing, packing, cleaning, stressing... It all will get done I am sure.
The one week countdown starts tomorrow morning.